Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the OLD PATHS, where is the good way, and walk therein. Jeremiah 6:16a

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I have shared with you that we are in the midst of a trial.  God is using our children as encouragers and I wanted to share a few letters with you that we have received from them.  We thank God for our children!

From Our 15 Year Old Son

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope that you guys are not too stressed about moving.  If you are, then just remember that God has this all planned just the way He wants it and He is and (always has been) there watching us to make sure this all works out the way He planned it. 

The Bible says three hundred and sixty-five times "FEAR NOT".  I'm sorry that things have to be the way they are but there's nothing that any of us can do about it except pray and have faith.  That alone can get us anywhere we want to, whenever we want to.

If there is any way at all that I can help then please notify me.  But until then I too will continue to pray and ask God's blessing on our family.

I love you both and I do hope that this note is cheerful enough to put a smile on both of your faces.  A smile is something that since the house issue came up, we have not seen on your face very often.  So, if there is any way that I can cheer you up, then please let me know.  And also, if there is anything that you want me to pray about, then please leave a note on your nightstand and I will pray for them.

I love you both very much and I hope you guys feel a-lot better after reading this note.  I hope you both get a good night's rest and Dad, I hope you do good at work tomorrow.  Just keep a smile on your face at all times and remember that God put us in this situation and He can take us out. 

Good Night, I love you both....You guys are the best parents in the world. 

From Our 11 Year Old Son

To Mom and Dad,

Do not be sad about the house.  God will help us and do not be sad about the bills.  God will take care of us.  I love you Mom and Dad.  God will help us.  From ______ with Love.

From Our 16 Year Old Son

To My Wonderful Parents,

I realize you're going through a very tough time, as we all are.  And, I know we've had our good times and our bad times in this house.  God brought us up this way for several reasons.

1.  So He could see how strong our faith is.

How many times and how many trials have we had in this house?  How many trials and temptations have we gon throught that have been either started, or finished, in not both started and finished, in this house? 

Oh, how hard they were at first, but Oh, how joyous they were at the finish! 

How many trials and heartaches have we been through in our lives?  A lot, huh?  But have you ever been disappointed once the harship was over?  No, of course not!  The trial was hard but in the end it was all worth while.

Not to mention, even though money has been tight for you guys, I've never know you to be greedy with your money.  Your faith is so strong that you've even reached out to help others when the only way you could help was by God performing a miracle, and He did.  If He can do that, He can do anything.

Realize this with Joy, although it may be hard:  God provided this house and He can take it away.  He provided this house through a bizzare set of circumstances.  He can certainly provide another abode just when He sees fit. 

God is Never to Early
and God is Never to Late
He always has been and
Always will be
 ~ George Mueller

Also, when you guys have helped others, you just made an insurance payment to God.  The Bible says



God knows what He's doing, when He's doing it, and why He's doing it.  Don't give up.  Keep your strong faith and live for God.  Do right, look ahead, lift your eyes and fight the good fight.  God will sen the miracle when He's ready!  In the mean time, prepare for it and live your life. 

Mom, i know this is especially hard for you but keep praying and reading your Bible daily.  Same for you Dad. 

I love you guys with all of my heart.



The Lord Directs


This is a lesson that I was CERTAIN that our family had learned well.  Our past is littered with events that have no other explanation other than THE LORD directed our steps in paths foreign to our own devising. 

It would seem that we have more learning to do for, once again, our plans have been thwarted.  Past experiences have proven that God was directing, however, my sinful heart struggles to trust!  Is that surprising?  It shouldn't be, for the Bible teaches that the heart, the deviser or planner in Proverbs 16:9, is wicked and deceitful!


In the midst trials, Christians are often guilty of complaining about our circumstances!  Our wicked, deceitful heart would have us believe that SOMEBODY or SOMETHING is to blame for our current state of suffering.  We don't usually have to look very far to find an object or person on whom to focus our negative energies.  But WAIT!  Christian, do we really believe that GOD IS DIRECTING our paths?  I fear that if we did, we would anxiously anticipate the working of God. 

Dr. Clarence Sexton, Pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tn. once said "FAITH IS TRUSTING IN THE CHARACTER OF GOD"!  The character of God!  Have you considered it?  Studying the character of God, we will find that He is kind, loving and sees to it that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to them that love God.....Romans 8:28a.  How can we fear if God is directing and He ensures that all things work together for my good?  Oh that I might wait with eager anticipation to see the Hand of God at work once again in our lives. 

In my next post (or two) I would like to share with you a few letters that my wife and I have received from our children.  They know of our struggles and they are such encouragers.  Thank God for children that have a heart for the things of the Lord.  Sometimes their innocent zeal for God places me under conviction!



Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pastor Jeff Fugate On The King James Bible

Why Make Public the Issue of the King James Bible?

By Dr. Jeffrey J. Fugate

I grew up in church and in Fundamentalism. My father was my pastor from the age of 8 until I was 21 years old. (My father died of cancer when he was 40 years old). I know the frustrations and feelings of hearing an attack on a preacher or institution from someone disgruntled. I never liked it and I do not like it now. I do not associate with people who are given to criticism and division. I am not making this issue public because I dislike Dr. Jack Schaap or Hyles-Anderson College. I have been influenced by HAC and Dr. Hyles most of my life. I received an honorary doctorate from HAC in 1995. Dr. Hyles preached in my church 7 different years. I also have supported Dr. Schaap as the pastor of First Baptist Church.

Yet, this is not an issue of a preference. This is the issue of the Bible! God's Holy Preserved Word! So often we look at someone who responds to an issue as the one who caused the problem and forget the source that actually did cause the problem. I did not bring up this issue - Dr. Schaap brought this issue up by his writing and teaching.

I must say that I prefer problems being dealt with head on and not in a round-about way. I did not want to write articles where people would say, "Who is he talking about?" I want to be forthright in the purpose of this special edition.

At Pastor's School in 2008 I received my copy of the book "Where are we going?" and read with somewhat of confusion the chapter about the KJB issue. Dr. Schaap also taught this during the Tuesday morning session of Pastor's School 2008. While it bothered me I worked to dismiss it as an unwise presentation about the hurt of division in fundamental Baptist churches. I dismissed what he said as something that was terribly worded and that would soon be corrected. It did cause some doubt in my mind as to where Dr. Schaap stood on the King James Version. It seemed he was saying that it was nothing more than a good translation but was in fact less than the "originals". I also concluded that he was trying to define the difference in Inspiration and Preservation but with some wonder of what he thought we have lost in preservation.

As I read and listened I wondered who were the "friends" we have lost by taking a stand for the King James Bible. I knew very well where Dr. Hyles had taken his stand on the issue - even calling names of institutions that referred to the originals as inspired but did not believe that we have an every word Bible in the King James Version. Dr. Hyles pointed out plainly that there was a difference in using only the KJB but not believing that it was in fact an every word bible! He separated from those institutions and told us not to be surprised by him being loyal to principles rather than institutions. You can see his quotes in this issue. I certainly did not lose any friends over the issue - though I did find out that there were those who never believed in the promises of God about the preservation and inspiration of the Scriptures.

Here is where the problem escalated and more disturbing things have been revealed since. In November 2008 we had a professor from Hyles Anderson as a guest to give lectures here at Commonwealth Baptist College. I do not want to make him the issue because he is a good man and very wise in his area of expertise (His subject to teach this day had nothing to do with the Bible - It was not a theological lecture at all). I love him and appreciate him for his work.

By the way, we have had folks from Hyles Anderson College and First Baptist Church in our college chapels and classes because I have wanted to maintain a good friendship with them. I want to learn from them. Dr. Wendall Evans is my friend and has been our guest here at CBC and our church more than once. Dr. Jim Jorgensen is our executive Vice president who served Dr. Hyles at HAC for 20+ years. Evangelists from First Baptist Church have been our guests. Dr. Russell Anderson is the co-founder of our college as well.

He and I are dear friends - both of us are from the mountain region of Southeastern Kentucky. Dr. Anderson is a member of our church and has an apartment here in Lexington. He and I preach together here in Kentucky as well as in churches across America. I have six men on staff here in our ministries who are graduates of Hyles-Anderson College.

This professor, in a class of more than 100 students, said, "Don't be foolish enough to let someone tell you that this King James Bible is the inspired Word of God." It was a "by the way" kind of statement and not a part of his lecture. I had introduced him at the beginning of the class but had stepped into a side room where I was doing some work during his lecture. When I came back in I saw the look on the faces of the students and teachers and knew that there was something obviously wrong. I was then told by teachers what he had said. I asked the professor to step into the side room, and I asked him if he said what they told me. He confirmed it, and I and told him I could not believe it! I told him that I, in fact, do believe that God had preserved His word in the King James Bible and believe that it was given in Inspiration and had lost nothing in Preservation! Though he loves me and was kind to me, he stood his ground and began to quote out of Dr. Schaap's book about the KJB being only a good translation. He went further to add that he believed only the originals were inspired and that we had lost 3-5% of the Bible in translation and that God did not speak English!

I then wrote a letter to Dr. Schaap telling him what had happened. I told him that I could no longer speak at Pastor's School and cancelled from speaking in March 2009. Now, I am not trying to bring division in fundamentalism! I love the work of the ministry. I love those who love the work of the ministry. I am just taking a stand against those that would cause young men, pastors and churches to doubt the fact that we have a copy of the Inspired preserved word of God. Until Dr. Schaap makes plain the fact that he believes that the King James Bible is the Inspired Preserved Word of God and stops sowing doubts about it I will not speak at Pastor's School or in any ministry of First Baptist Church. I will not send my preacher boys nor recommend any others to HAC. The Church Bus News will no longer give bus scholarships to HAC.

There are those of us who have waited and waited saying, "He will come around. He will get it right". It is time to get it right - this issue is the Bible - not a preference!

Brethren, these are the last days. There is a great work to do. We must be busy at the work. Let’s not just defend the Word of God - let's use it to win souls, preach and teach and strengthen families and marriages.

Dr. Jeffery J. Fugate

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I John 3:17  But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, HOW dwelleth the love of God in him?

Let us take a few moments and consider the Old Path of helping those in need.  Many good churches today spend multitude millions on soul-winning, bus ministries and other outreach ministries in an effort to evangelize the lost.  Certainly they are RIGHT to do these things as they are all tools that help us fulfill the great commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.  This is to be the churches heartbeat!  Sadly, I think we have gotten unbalanced and forgotten that the church is filled with SHEEP that need cared for. 

Have you ever had a brother or sister in Christ share with you that they had a need?  It happens often in our fellowship one with another.  Unfortunately, we feel that we have fulfilled our Christian responsibility by saying "I'll be praying for you".  Well bless your cotton-pickin little heart!  I'm for prayer and I believe that God works miraculously through answered prayer, however, I wonder if we don't make God's job more difficult.  Could it be that YOU were meant to meet the need?  Did you ever consider that perhaps it was YOU that God placed the burden in front of because it was YOU that he intended to bear the burden WITH your brother? 

Galatians 6:2  BEAR YE one another's burdens, and SO FULFIL the law of Christ.

Consider the word Bear.  One dictionary describes to bear as TO SUPPORT OR HOLD UP; TO SUSTAIN.  Noah Webster illustrates for us the idea of bearing a burden with the picture of a great ship being held up by the water.  Consider the weight of that ship and compare it to the weight of the burden that your brother or sister in Christ is carrying.  Praying for your brother in need is wonderful but are you praying needlessly?  Have you considered YOUR part in meeting the need?  Perhaps God led them to you for just that purpose.  Consider the verse we began with and ask yourself if the Love of God dwelleth in you.  Do you just "pray" for those in need or do you actively BEAR their burdens?  Do you MAKE that burden your OWN?  If you truly become burdened about something, you will do all you can to help meet the need. 

I'm afraid that our churches have become so concerned about the lost that we forget about the family.  Galatians 6:10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us DO good unto all men, ESPECIALLY unto them who are of the household of faith.  Are you praying and asking God to meet your brother's need when in reality, YOU are the answer to that prayer? 

I do believe that if we began to follow this old path of caring for one another that we would not have so many Christians feeling the need to depend on our corrupt government for their provisions.  Will you allow God to bless others THROUGH you? 

God Bless you all as you discover the Old Paths!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Old Paths

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the OLD PATHS, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.  But they said, We will not walk therein.  Jeremiah 6:16

 God says “STAND ye in the ways, and see….”  See what, we might ask.  Just what is it that God wants us to see in the way?  Perhaps, He wants us to see and ponder the ways, or paths, that we as Christians are following today.  Sadly, God’s people no longer live as though we have been called out.  God desires for himself a peculiar people.

For thou are an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.  Deuteronomy 14:2. 

One definition of peculiar is DISTINCT FROM ALL OTHERS.  What is it about me that makes me DISTINCT or different from those that are not Christians?  Is it my language?  Is it my witness?  Is it my concern for others?  Is it the stand that I take against sin?  What is for you friend?  What makes YOU different?  In other words, what PATH are you on.

Many years ago I had a fellow work for me that was very vulgar and crude in his speech and actions.  One particular Saturday morning I was in my office getting some work done and was listening to some preaching on tape.  The man preaching was my youth director in the church I grew up in.  To my surprise, the fellow that worked for me came into the office and said “that sounds like….and he said the preachers name”.  I was shocked.  I asked him how he knew the preacher.  To further my shock and disappointment, he told me he had grown up at my church and school (he was older than I) and that this preacher was one of his heroes.  I told this fellow that I would never have known he was a Christian by his speech and actions.  He hung his head and acknowledged that he was away from the Lord. 

How about you?  Do you walk the same paths that your co-workers walk?  Do you revel in the dirty jokes that they tell?  Do you jump on their wagon when they are criticizing their spouse?  Do you sneak off to take a cell phone call when nobody’s looking, while on the clock?  Do you backbite and spew hateful stories about your co-workers?  Do you walk such a path that you could, without embarrassment, introduce your co-workers to your best friend, Jesus?  O, the twisted paths we walk! 

In the first verse we looked at we see that were are to ASK for the old paths.  Standing in the way we see all the wickedness of compromise within our Christian Family and we are to ask, I AM ASKING YOU, to follow the old paths!  We will explore the OLD PATHS in other posts.  Lord Bless You All!